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Angular2 Hangouts on Air

Angular2 Hangouts on Air

Helsinki, Finland

22 members


Angular2 Hub is a community of Javascript programmers interested in
weekly Google Hangouts on Air dedicated to learning Angular-2.

Angular-2 is in beta, hence stable enough for deep-dive into its features and its prerequisites.

Nowadays, we all have access to great presentations in various conferences and meetups, but very few of them give us the opportunity to interact with the speakers when we need to. Our goal is to change that tradition for the meetup attendees; novice and expert alike.

If you are an angular-2 novice, we encourage you to interrupt the speakers and fire away your questions.
If you are an Angular-2 expert, we expect you to augment the speakers' explanations with yours in order to deepen everyone's understanding of the uncharted waters of Angular-2.

The idea is to learn Angular-2 from each other in small informal gatherings in a systematic manner . A week before each meeting, a subject would be announced along with top-notch public learning resources for the subject. Then at the meetup we can compare notes and help each other to gain deep understanding of that subject, before proceeding to the next subject.

If you would like to lead a session, please propose the topic you'd like to discuss and some details about it here.

You are welcome to join our Slack Team to converse with other members of the community.

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