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AngularJS May Meetup

May 31, 17:00

Helsinki, Finland
Hitsaajankatu 24, Helsinki

External Registration

Open Registration Page

AngularJS Helsinki meetup on 31st of May!
We are happy to announce our May meetup and invite you to come and meet other fellow members and discuss Angular-2 Component's lifecycle as well as TypeScript in the context of Angular-2.
Time: 31st of May at 17:00 to 21:00
Place: IXONOS (http://www.ixonos.com/)
Address: Hitsaajankatu 24, FI-00811 Helsinki.
                  Google Map: https://goo.gl/dXpLEI
Capacity: 60 seats.
For this gathering we have two scheduled talks as well as open stage for a total of one hour for anyone interested to share knowledge and experience with us.
Our first speaker Andrei Markeev full-stack developer, open-source author, and Microsoft MVP, will talk about TypeScript in general and it's usage in Angular-2 in particular.
Our second speaker, Esfand Shayan, Independent Consultant, will talk about the life-cycle of an Angular-2 components in general and the life-cycle methods in particular.

In addition to the usual talks, we are happy to announce that we'll have two solid hours of tutorial on Angular-2 by our distinguished member, Tero Parviainen. So please bring your computer with you.
Based on the previous experience, we expect a high demand by members to attend. So, for the benefit of the others, please cancel your reservation the day 
before in case you decide not to attend. Also, at 16:55 any seat not taken will be offered to stand-up attendees in the order of their reservation.
For this meeting, Ixonos Oy (http://www.ixonos.com) will provide the location as well as snacks and drink, for which we are very grateful.
17:00 Words from Meetup's Sponsor (Ixonos Oy)
17:05 Getting the most out of Typescript - 45 min.            ( Andrey Markeev)
18:00 Angular 2 Component's lifecycle  - 45 min.            ( Esfand Shayan )

19:00 Angular 2 tutorial  - 2 hrs, bring your computer             (Tero Parviainen)
21:00 End of official agenda
Time to socialize and get to know each other.

No need to mention that we always welcome volunteer speakers who are interested to talk in the context of the announced theme for a session. Even for this session if you are interested we can fit you in. So, please contact us.

AngularJS Helsinki AngularJS Helsinki

Propose talk to AngularJS Helsinki