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APIOps and Test Automation

November 2, 17:30-22:00

Helsinki, Finland
Eficode, Kuortaneenkatu 2, Helsinki

External Registration

Open Registration Page

17:30 Doors open, great coffee served by barista

18:00 Host words / Eficode, GE Healthcare

18:10 APIOps / Jarkko Moilanen

18:45 Coffee break

19:00 Test automation with Robot Framework
- Robot Framework Association / Ismo Aro
- Robot Framework intro / Joonas Jauhiainen
- Demo with Robot controlling robot / Sakari Pesonen

19:45 Break

20:00 Future of DevOps Finland / Antti Vähäkotamäki
- New planning team
- Theme proposals for coming meetups
- Open space: what do you expect from DevOps Finland

20:45 Discussion and refreshments

22:00 Discussions continue in downtown

DevOps Finland DevOps Finland


Eficode Eficode


Propose talk to DevOps Finland