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Autumn AWS Meetup sponsored by Cybercom

October 27, 17:00

Helsinki, Finland
Urho Kekkosen katu 2 C , Helsinki

External Registration

Open Registration Page

Welcome to our Meetup sponsored by Cybercom
Time to discuss again and it is all about AWS and related technologies. Agenda so far: 1. Beverages and snacks 2. Welcome 3. Road to re:Invent 2016 - Discussion about event, best practices, etc. - Discussion also about joint event on place - Moderator needed 4. Spot the Prices - Aspects of managing cost by utilizing diverse puchasing modes - Antti Siiskonen, Alma Mediapartners 5. Cybercom talk - TBA 6. Spot available

Finland AWS Meetup Finland AWS Meetup

Propose talk to Finland AWS Meetup