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BRT Helsinki 17.11.2017 – Product Development/ Project/ Management

November 17, 08:00

Helsinki, Finland
Nordea, Aleksis Kiven Katu 7, 00500 Helsinki, Helsinki

External Registration

Open Registration Page

Our guest speaker, Henrik Öhberg, Technical Manager at Vieser Oy, will give the audience a quick and fruitful briefing of strategic product management and the demanding task of the product project managers.
The presentation material derive from a real case related to a product launch combined with theory from different sources. Agenda: 8.00 Coffee and networking 8.30 Product Development/ Project/ Management, Henrik Öhberg 9.30 – 10.00 More coffee, discussions, networking More info: http://pmifinland.org/event/brt-helsinki-17-11-2017-productdevelopment/ Registration with full name and email please.

PMI Helsinki meetup PMI Helsinki meetup

Propose talk to PMI Helsinki meetup