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China Express - Sharing hand-on Experiences of Starting Business in China

April 24, 14:00-16:30

Helsinki, Finland
TechCode (Finland) SME services Oy, Porkkalankatu 20a, 00180 Helsinki, Finland

External Registration

Open Registration Page

Do you plan to expand your business to China or have you already taken first steps towards Chinese market? Chinese market is huge and attractive but very challenging. Join or afternoon seminar to learn and discuss about experiences and practices that may accelerate and lower costs of your China expansion.


  1. Key points on preparation when considering entering Chinese market

  2. Cost-saving methods when starting Business in China

  3. Business operations in time-saving and cost-saving framework

  4. Market expansion and business scale-up

  5. Discussion

About the speaker. Mr Guoyou He is Project Director at TechCode Finland. He has first hand experience in setting up his own business in China. He has also facilitated and consulted several technology companies in their expansion to China.

Questions? Please contact finland@techcode.com

This seminar is first part of the China Express Training Program.

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