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Drupal Café

June 14, 16:00

Helsinki, Finland
Itämerenkatu 1, 00180 Helsinki, Helsinki

External Registration

Open Registration Page

Drupal Café is an open meeting for everyone interested in using or developing with Drupal.

The format is simple: we meet, there's one short presentation about a relevant topic, and then networking with a drink or two sponsored by Exove. The official program is in English and networking in any language preferred.
The café takes place bimonthly on the second Tuesday at Exove offices on Itämerenkatu 1, Helsinki.
Keynote: Configuration Management in Drupal 8, Alberto G. Viu, Developer, Exove
CM is one of the highly anticipated and expected features for Drupal 8. The keynote will discover what it is and how it works.
16:00 Doors open 16:25 Welcome, Janne Kalliola, Exove 16:30 Keynote: Configuration Management in Drupal 8  16:50 Discussion and networking 18:00 Wrap-up
The event is free for everyone to join. Due to practical arrangements and limits of space, everyone must RSVP. We can accommodate up to 50 people.

About Drupal Café 
Drupal Café is a bimonthly event for people interested in Drupal.
Drupal Café attracts the local business and development community of Drupal, including business and content owners, decision makers, developers, and designers.
If you have knowledge you want to share with the local Drupal community, please get in touch with us: [masked].
Exove, Itämerenkatu 1 (lobby on Mechelinkatu), 6th floor, Helsinki.

Drupal Café Drupal Café

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