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Elastic Meetup at Microsoft Flux

April 4, 17:30-21:00

Helsinki, Finland
Microsoft Flux, Korkeavuorenkatu 35, Helsinki

External Registration

Open Registration Page

Please register at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/elastic-meetup-at-microsoft-flux-tickets-32584228304?aff=meetabit to get your free ticket!

Welcome to the second Elastic Meetup in Finland! Last time we were overwhelmed by the response of the community. This time we have a bit more space and hope to be able to allow everyone in. The agenda is once again super exciting! Food & beverages are served at the event so book your seat now and be sure to reserve the time in your calendar.

What’s new with Elastic stack - tails from Elastic{On} by Tobias Karlsson, Solutions Architect at Elastic
With Elastic{On} 2017 just behind us, there was a lot of interesting news presented and we will walk through what’s brewing in the Elastic stack covering Elasticsearch, Kibana, Beats and Logstash.
We will also look at one of the use-cases that where presented around security analytics and machine learning.

Elastic and Azure by Mark Ryan, Technical Evangelist at Microsoft
See in action how easy it is to get started with Elastic in Azure.

Case Evira: Fluent search patterns with Elasticsearch in Microsoft platform by Mikko Huilaja, Software Architect at Solita
Learn how to build a and efficient platform with great search for a web site with Elasticsearch, Episerver CMS and Azure. These patterns and tools makes working with Elasticsearch a joy ride and development simple. The presented case is from the creation of the web pages for Evira.

Please respect the community by canceling your registration at latest 24h prior to the event to free up space for other attendees and allow us to manage the costs of this event. Stay tuned for slight updates to the agenda and do get in touch with Ivar should you have any questions!

Please register at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/elastic-meetup-at-microsoft-flux-tickets-32584228304?aff=meetabit to get your free ticket!

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