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February 2020 Bay Area Solid Interest Club Meetup

February 20, 18:00-20:00

San Francisco, CA
CircleCI, 201 Spear St Floor 12

Event is in the past

Solid (https://solidproject.org/) is a revolutionary new open web standard designed by Sir Tim Berners-Lee (inventor of the world wide web) that "realizes the web as originally envisioned and provides a platform for the next generation of truly empowering and innovative applications." Solid carries the promise of de-siloing data on the web, setting radically new standards for data privacy, and empowering all web users to take ownership over their data.

For this inaugural meetup of the Bay Area Solid Interest Club we'll focus on fundamentals. Travis Vachon will present on the motivations and history of the Solid project before diving in to some examples of how you can get started building Solid apps with the JavaScript React framework today. The talk will be mostly accessible to a non-technical audience.

We'll leave plenty of time to connect with each other and decide where we want this group to go in the coming year.

Our gracious host CircleCI will provide drinks and food.

Bay Area Solid Interest Club Bay Area Solid Interest Club

Created by

Travis Vachon Travis Vachon


Propose talk to Bay Area Solid Interest Club