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February Meetup (Helsinki)

February 9, 17:00

Helsinki, Finland
Reaktor, Mannerheimintie 2, Helsinki

External Registration

Open Registration Page

Reaktor and Talented are sponsoring Angular Finland's February Meetup in Helsinki. The venue is in Reaktor's nice Mannerheimintie 2 offices. There will be beer, cider and soft drinks - as well as some snack food available (!!! Lauri P. please correct the offering).
Angular Finland T-shirts will be also available for free of charge, so please come and grab yours!
17:00 Doors open
17:45 Welcome note (Jussi Kinnula, Angular Finland), word from the sponsors (Lauri Piispanen, Reaktor & Janne Valtakari, Talented)
18:00 Combining Ionic 2 with WebSockets, Daniel Golub (AngularJS-IL, Ionic Israel)
18:45 Short break
19:00 Angular + WordPress for building a modern website (Jussi Kinnula, Angular Finland)


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Propose talk to AngularJS Helsinki