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February Meetup (Oulu)

February 1, 17:30

Helsinki, Finland
Elektroniikkatie 6, Oulu

External Registration

Open Registration Page

Angular Finland is spreading to Finnish cities, so it's time to ramp up the first meetup at Oulu. The meetup will be held at ZEF office in Technology Park, Elektroniikkatie 6.
There will be snack food, beer, cider and soft drinks served.
The meetup is sponsored and hosted by ZEF:  https://zef.fi/
There will be Angular Finland T-shirts available for free. Please be there and report your shirt size (S, M, L, XL, XXL, XXXL and XXXXL) by your RSVP. There's also lady fits available (XS, S, M, L and XL).
Schedule: 17:30 Doors open 18:00 Food & Welcoming notes, Yevgen Zinchenko (ZEF), Jussi Kinnula (Angular Finland) 18:30 First talk, Roope Hakulinen (GoFore) 19:15 Break 19:30 Second talk, Jussi Kinnula (Frantic) 20:15 Raffle or Open Stage 21:00 Door close

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