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Finding an advisor for your startup

June 8, 17:00

Helsinki, Finland
Korkeavuorenkatu 35, Helsinki

External Registration

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Advisors can be vital for a startup at any stage. While having a full advisory board can be complex to arrange, you can always start just with a single advisor to bring the expertise your core team lacks. 
During the meetup we will cover what competencies you need to look for in advisors, how to find them, how to convince them to join, what compensation  to offer and what is the best practices to collaborate. We will focus mostly on individual advisors, but will also mention how to assemble and work with a board. As a bonus, we will take a look at how an individual can become an advisor.
Meetup guest speaker is Tuomo Virkkunen from Boardio - a company that connects growth-oriented companies with over 1300 individuals willing to work as advisors or board members. Several organizations in Finland use Boardio to search advisors for their customer companies e.g. incubators like NewCo Helsinki, regional development organizations like Joensuu Science Park, government organizations like Tekes and Finpro and universities like Aalto.
Microsoft Flus is located on the second floor of Korkeavuorenkatu 35. Your guide to get in https://vimeo.com/164232846. Door open at 17:00 and talk starts at 17:30.

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