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Helsinki Loves Developers - Open Data Open Office

October 13, 15:00

Helsinki, Finland
Vuorikatu 5, Helsinki

External Registration

Open Registration Page

This open data application and concept competition starts on the 3rd of October 2016 and ends on the 30th of January 2017. Entries have to either be functional mobile or browser based applications or feasible application or service concepts. All entries have to utilize some open data from the six biggest cities and have to be developed during the timeframe of the competition. Ideally, entries will utilize open data from multiple sources innovatively. Particular focus is laid upon the business potential of the entry. The best ones will be rewarded. More information: http://databusiness.fi/challenge_en/ . This event will be held in Finnish and/or English.
Warmly welcome!
Helsinki Loves Developers - open data open office
City of Helsinki provides a good amount of public data as open data for anyone freely to use. All these open data sets are available at Helsinki Region Infoshare service - www.hri.fi . HRI is regional open data portal owned by cities of Helsinki, Espoo, Vantaa and Kauniainen. 
Helsinki Loves Developers is an open cooperation platform to promote the use of open data. You are warmly welcome to join and contribute our open meetings and the web page (http://dev.hel.fi/) with technical details. Please join these meetings and create together with us and open data our cities better places to live! You can find us every second Thursday at 3pm-6pm at Helsinki Think Company (Vuorikatu 5, Helsinki). More information https://www.facebook.com/groups/heldev/ and http://www.hri.fi/fi/hri-projekti/hel-loves-dev-avoin-konttori/ (in Finnish).

Some of the meetings have no specific agenda but quite often there is some interesting theme with presentations and demos.

In addition you will have a great opportunity to meet and chat with the civil servants and code fellows of Helsinki about open data and open API´s. 

Open Data Finland Open Data Finland

Propose talk to Open Data Finland