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How to transfer knowledge and help colleagues to reach their optimum performance

December 9, 08:00

Helsinki, Finland
Laajalahdentie 23, Helsinki

External Registration

Open Registration Page

Our topic for the BRT is “How to transfer knowledge and help colleagues to reach their optimum performance”. We’ll speak about coaching, mentoring, and other ways of “peer collaboration”.
This will be a workshop style session with three guests. Due to the nature of the session remote connections are not available.
Our guest and their roles are:
• Sebastian Lindqvist from HRM Partners Ltd – facilitating the session
• Ilmari Kontulainen from Deveo – introducing Agile Finland’s Coaching circles
• Kati Onkinen from Hewlett Packard Enterprise – commentary from HR

Sebastian Lindqvist will introduce us the principles and methods used in coaching and mentoring.
Ilmari Kontulainen will give an introduction to Agile Finland’s Coaching circles, and holds a practical coaching exercise for participants. Agile Finland’s coaching circles are monthly meetups where people can present and discuss different topics that revolve around coaching as well as practice their coaching skills in a safe environment.
Kati Onkinen will shortly give practical examples of coaching and mentoring cases at HPE – if time allows. She’ll anyway give her comments and input to the discussion.
Our guests:
Sebastian Lindqvist is an Executive Coach, Partner and Director at HRM Partners Ltd. He has a university degree in Social Sciences with Developmental Psychology as his major subject. He specializes in various forms of career- and leadership coaching. Sebastian is a Certified ACC- coach, International Coaching Federation since 2010. 
Ilmari Kontulainen is the CEO of code hosting and collaboration platform Deveo, a lean thinker, and continuous improvement fanatic. During spare time Ilmari organizes Agile Finland’s coaching circles at Helsinki, reads and does endurance sports.
Kati Onkinen is an HR Business Partner at HPE Enterprise Services, working closely with managers, project managers and employees.

Doors open at 8:00, light breakfast is served. The talk starts at 8:30. Please make sure you have entered a full name if you Meetup.com profile (otherwise you will not be able entering IBM premises).
Please note, we have only 20 seats for non-PMI members. If you are PMI member, please register for the event at pmifinland.org. Attending this event gets you 1.5 PDU.

PMI Helsinki meetup PMI Helsinki meetup

Propose talk to PMI Helsinki meetup