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In Search of Co-founders

November 15, 16:30

Helsinki, Finland
Microsoft Flux, Korkeavuorenkatu 35<br/>00130<br/>Helsinki

External Registration

Open Registration Page

"You have got a good business idea, but you don’t want to run the business alone? Or perhaps you don’t have a good business idea yet, but you have been burning to join a startup and call yourself an entrepreneur?" This event is created specifically to connect great business ideas with business opportunity seekers, and provide a great opportunity for people to meet potential business partners! 1) If you are looking for co-founders, you will be given 3-5 minutes to tell what your business idea is about (free style, no preparation required), and what kind of co-founders you are looking for; certainly you will have the opportunity to discuss with people who are interested in your idea. 2) If you are looking for a potential startup to join, you will be given the opportunity to get to know different business ideas and join your favourite one. Note: in the beginning of the event, our host will ask "who would like to pitch for co-founders today", and give the slots to the first ones who raise their hands. Max 10 people. So, prepare yourself and come on time!

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