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In Search of Team Members

September 28, 16:30

Helsinki, Finland
NewCo Helsinki, Ensi linja 1, 00530, Helsinki

External Registration

Open Registration Page

Everybody knows that a solid team with a balanced skill set is crucial for success of any startup, but it is not so easy to meet like-minded people who understand the startup life. In Search of Team Member aims to provide a platform for startup founders to look for team members they need; and for startup enthusiasts to meet potential growth companies to join. 
The success rate of our previous In Search of Team Member event is 1/3. This event is in English and is free of charge for all participants! 
FOR STARTUPS: You may let us know what kind of team member you are looking for and book a pitching slot from http://bit.ly/2wi5iyl There are 10 slots with max. 5 mins each. If you would like to use PowerPoint slides, please make sure you email it latest 1 day before the event. 
FOR TALENTS: If you are looking for a paid-job, an equity based job, or an interesting company for your internship, what you need to do is sign up from http://open.newcohelsinki.fi/events/136271/time/1917 now, and bring your portfolio, business card, CV or just yourself to the event, the least what you will get is enlarge your professional network, and you know it’s worth it! If you would like to know what companies/startups are coming to the event, please check out the event on Facebook, search: In Search of Team Member 
AGENDA: 16:30-17:00 Networking 17:00-18:00 Startup/company presentations 18:00-19:00 Startups meeting talents *Tips for everyone: bring your business card (or something with your contact information on), so you can make more connections at the event. For more startup positions, check out: http://newcohelsinki.fi/en/team-up

Helsinki OpenCoffee Meetup Helsinki OpenCoffee Meetup

Propose talk to Helsinki OpenCoffee Meetup