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Instabots and Cybersecurity 🚧

January 22, 18:00-20:00

Turku, Finland

Event is in the past

A new year calls for new Pythonic meetups. 💁🏽‍♀️🐍The first meetup of this year will be taking place on January 22nd from 18:00-20:00. This time we will be hosted by Identio, a local consulting company who also have their own podcast! 🔉The address is Eerikinkatu 6B. There will be signs on the door to help you find your way!

As usual, we have two amazing speakers lined up!

Pauliina Solanne is a fullstack developer working at HoxHunt, a company focused on cybersecurity in Helsinki.🚨Her topic is social engineering, an attack method that involves manipulating people into breaking normal security procedures to gain access to systems, networks or physical locations.

Heta Pärssinen is also a fullstack developer who works at Duunitori to help people find and apply for new jobs. This time she will be showing us how to use Instagram’s API to make “instabots”. Cool, huh? 😻

Agenda for the evening:

18:00 - Doors open and getting to know each other
18:15 - Presentation from Identio
18:30 - Instabots with Heta Pärssinen
19:00 - Snack break and more socializing 🍎
19:15 - Social engineering by Pauliina Solanne
20:00 - Let’s go home!

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Created by

Magda Stenius Magda Stenius

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