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January Meetup

January 27, 18:00-20:00

Turku, Finland
Aurakatu 3B

Event is in the past

It's time kick off Turku <3 Frontend meetups. In January 27th, we'll be at Poutapilvi with two great speakers from Helsinki.

18.00 Doors open
18.10 Welcome words by Poutapilvi
18.15 ES6 generators by Jussi Nieminen
18.45 Break
19.00 Lessons learned in building awesome developer communities by Oleg Podsechin

Turku <3 Frontend Turku <3 Frontend

Created by

Juha-Matti Santala Juha-Matti Santala


Poutapilvi Poutapilvi


Propose talk to Turku <3 Frontend