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June Meetup (Helsinki)

June 1, 18:00

Helsinki, Finland
F-Secure, Tammasaarenkatu 7, Helsinki

External Registration

Open Registration Page

F-Secure is hosting our next meetup ... F-Secure offers good food, drinks and sauna until 10 pm! You can have a nice & relax evening with inspiring talks and sauna :)  Make sure mark you calendar for 1st June. We have limited spots available. PS: If you come to sauna, bring your own towel :)

• 18:00 Doors open
• 18:00-18:30 Food & drinks, networking
• 18:30 Welcoming speech (Jussi Kinnula, Angular Finland) 
• 18:35 Word from the Sponsor (Mikko Salmi, F-Secure)
• 18:45 Talk Subject (Carl Vuorinen, W3 Group)
• 19:25 Short break, drinks, networking
• 19:35 Talk Subject (Tero Parviainen, Independent Software Developer)
• 19:55  Short break, drinks, networking
• 20:05 Building Serverless APIs with TypeScript and RxJS (Jussi Kinnula, Wunderdog)
• 22:00 Doors close

Meetup Fee:
• There will be a fee of 5 euros paid with PayPal. This fee will be used to ensure that we'll reserve seats for people to show up. The fee will be returned to everybody who actually come to the meetup via PayPal.
• You can still free your seat and get reimbursed four days prior the meetup.

AngularJS Helsinki AngularJS Helsinki

Propose talk to AngularJS Helsinki