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Legal Aspects of a Financing Round

April 26, 20:30-22:30

Helsinki, Finland
Techcode Finland, Porkkalankatu 20A, 5th Floor, 00180 Helsinki, Finland

External Registration

Open Registration Page

TechCode proudly presents: Breakfast Seminar with KallioLaw

TechCode Finland and Kalliolaw are pleased to invite you to participate in a breakfast seminar to hear and discuss the legal aspects of a financing round.


8:30 Light breakfast and networking

9:00 Welcome words by Techcode Finland (Mr. Michael Haralson, Deputy General Manager, Techcode Finland)

9:10 How to prepare for a financing round? What aspects should be taken into consideration from the perspective of the target company / investors? ( Mr. Olli Oksman, Partner, KallioLaw)

10:10-10:30 Free networking


Techcode Finland Techcode Finland

Propose talk to Techcode Finland