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Let's get hands dirty with CI/CD process!

January 27, 12:30

Helsinki, Finland

External Registration

Open Registration Page

welcome to kick off the OpenShift Finland meet up series! I thought Friday[masked] would be perfect day to do so. People from further can continue to spend a weekend in Helsinki. As this is mostly pro stuff, let’s have it during office hours, 12:30-15:30
Agenda for the first meet up is still open. I promise me and Tero can show you around how to build pipeline for your apps from DEV to QA to PROD, and all the way back to DEV. So the circle of DevOps from CI/CD point of view!
Along with that we can show you the basics of production quality CI/CD tooling for containers, based on OpenShift. And yes, you can do hands on stuff with OpenShift :D
In this series of meetups we could have a thin guide line of getting people familiar with developing and operating production quality container environments. How to do things from both Dev and Ops view of world.
As this is a community event, please suggest me if you have something you’d like to present, e.g. a description of use case within your organisation you could share. Or some story of how others could benefit of OpenShift from your experiences. 
I'll update the schedule and location closer to event, after getting initial feedback from you, my fellow meetup members!
Welcome to learn and share :)
- Ilkka Tengvall
BTW, place is still open, so any nice sponsor willing to host us near downtown Helsinki? Also any sponsor welcome to provide the meet-up with snacks/beverages! Both of you get amounts of glory by doing so!

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