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Machine learning and mimosas 🍹

December 11, 18:00

Turku, Finland
Aurakatu 12 B, Turku

Event is in the past

Winter is coming, and so is our December meetup! The next meetup will be taking place on December 11th from 18:00-20:00. We will be hosted by Anders, a local consulting agency specialized in Python. You can read more about them and find their open positions here.

This time we have two fun and different topics:

Our first presentation will be held by Eeva Rauramo, Artificial Intelligence Specialist at AI & RPA Staria Oyj, Mathematician and Full Stack Data Scientist. She will be talking about AI in Accounting.

Mila Grigoryeva is a software developer working at Evondos. She will show us how to build and code a mimosa machine (yes, a machine that makes mimosa drinks) using a Raspberry Pi and a Flask server.

Agenda for the evening:

18:00 - Doors open and getting to know each other
18:15 - Presentation from Anders
18:30 - AI in Accounting by Eeva Rauramo
19:00 - Snack break and more socializing :)
19:15 - Building a Mimosa Machine with Mila Grigoryeva
19:45 - Let’s go home!

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Created by

Magda Stenius Magda Stenius

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