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Metrics Monday

November 2, 18:00

Helsinki, Finland
Itämerenkatu 1 00180 Helsinki, Finland

Event is in the past

Welcome to Metrics Monday hosted by Smartly.io!

6:00pm Food & beer
6:30pm Program starts
Sauna afterwards

There will be vegetarian, gluten-free and low-lactose food available by default, so contact us by email only in case you have more exotic diets/allergies. Submit your potential food allergies to elli(a)smartly.io.

We are also looking for speakers for future events. Please submit your talk proposal here:


The longer description is optional, all we need is the one line title. Also, please do help spread the word among your friends and colleagues!

Metrics Monday Metrics Monday


Smartly.io Smartly.io


Propose talk to Metrics Monday