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My Startup Debut

April 10, 17:00-19:00

Helsinki, Finland
Microsoft Flux, Korkeavuorenkatu 35, Helsinki, Finland

External Registration

Open Registration Page

In your professional journey, it can be frustrating to knock doors that won’t open. Yet you keep on trying because you know that’s the way to succeed. Great news! You have what it takes to be a startup entrepreneur or to work for one. While taking this career path is not a bed of roses it certainly empowers you to find out what you are made of. Have you ever considered it before?

My Startup Debut welcomes anybody, with experience or without to enter the startup world. You will hear real life experiences of what is like to be on the scene either as a founder or as team member. We invite you to come and find out if it is in you. You don’t need to speak Finnish or prior knowledge of the startup world, but you do need attitude. We cherish diversity!

In this second event of My Startup Debut series, you will hear from Moaffak Ahmed, a serial entrepreneur and business angel and also from Varun Singh who will share with us his journey as a co-founder. Come and get some ideas and inspiration and stay for some meaningful networking.

You may mark "attending" on Facebook, but please note that it is NOT ENOUGH. Please remember to register through the following link: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/my-startup-debut-10-april-tickets-33258591342

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