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OpenStackFin meetup, OpenStack Operations and Operators

November 2, 16:00

Helsinki, Finland
Urho Kekkosen katu 1 A, 6th floor, Helsinki

External Registration

Open Registration Page

Hey there Stackers! #OpenStackFin
It's time to meet and talk about OpenStack and everything around it. We're happy to notice there's new members on our group - welcome! Hope to see you all in November meetup :)
Next meetup will be on Wednesday 2nd November 2016 at 4 pm - 7 pm, in Helsinki. Venue: Maxine, Urho Kekkosen katu 1a (Kamppi Center).
Theme is Openstack Operations and Operators. This time we would like also to hear your suggestions whose should be on stage or what topics; suggest speaker or title based on theme.  Please add your suggestions on comments, so everyone is able to see them. And like the ones you find the most interesting to be presented at the event.

Should we have a short OpenStack Summit review from Barcelona? Maybe some hands on stories etc.? Or do you have a good customer case example of application automation? We're waiting for your ideas!
16:00 Registration, time for food, drinks and networking
16.30 Welcome & Introducing OpenStack Operators Finland, Kalle Happonen CSC and Toni Ylenius, Cybercom
17.00 Presentations 3 x 20 min
• Demo: Pouta Blueprints, Jyry Suvilehto, CSC. This is a block built on OpenStack that creates automatically needed datamining environments for scientists/trainers.
• Daily OpenStack Operations, Toni Ylenius, Cybercom 
• 3rd slot open (contact Päivi, if you'd like to be on stage)

18 - 19 Introducing Sponsors and their demos shortly. Check out awesome demos, free discussing and networking.

19.00 Meetup ends.

With our great sponsors we're able to serve you some food and drinks. You are warmly welcome to sponsor the community. By sponsoring you will get a great brand visibility around the event. Please contact paivi.liedes(a)cybercom.com 


OpenStack User Group Finland OpenStack User Group Finland

Propose talk to OpenStack User Group Finland