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Pre-Slush "accessibility­ Show-and-tell"­ evening at Freska

November 29, 18:00

Helsinki, Finland
Freska Office, Annankatu 27, Helsinki

External Registration

Open Registration Page

It's been a while since our last meet up, and with a few extra tech people in Helsinki for Slush, we should get together again! This time, we will be at the Freska office.
If you have something to show, we'd love to see it! It can be something you've worked on, something you use, or something that inspired you. Ideally, they will be related to accessibility somehow, but if it's a tenuous link, not to worry!
Esitykset suomeksi ovat tervetulleita
Freska will provide refreshments, please reach out if there are any specific dietary requirements beforehand. I'll share some more details of whether any sort of sign-up is needed if you want to show something a little nearer the time.

Helsinki Web Accessibility Meetup Helsinki Web Accessibility Meetup

Propose talk to Helsinki Web Accessibility Meetup