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Product Marketing - from afterthought to integral part of product lifecycle

September 21, 18:00

Helsinki, Finland

External Registration

Open Registration Page

Marketing is too often an after thought in the end of the product development life cycle. 
If marketing is done only by specialist marketing people, it's difficult to tell the right story and the right selling points. Or plan the product features so they are marketable.
What is product manager's and product team's role in all of this?
These were some of the topics also addressed in this years Mind The Product conference. So Antti will facilitate a group discussion and Marjukka will bring in the hot topics and some actual facts from the Mind The Product conference. 
If anyone wants to present their case of successful or unsuccessful product marketing and relationship with product, marketing and sales people please say so in the comments of this meetup. We'll have time for max 3 x 10-15 minute presentations so we have enough time to talk.
Also looking for location, it'll be a bar in center of Helsinnki unless someone can get a space, as our first plans just got busted last week.
Some topics for discussion and case examples:
1) Role of Marketing over the full lifecycle of a product? Product lifecycle of the product requires different actions in different lifecycle phases. What is the role of marketing in ideation phase, value discovery, launch, maturity etc.?
2) What (product) input is required for successful marketing campaigns? 

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