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Project Management Morning

June 8, 09:00-12:00

Helsinki, Finland
TechCode (Finland) SME services Oy, Porkallankatu 20A, 00180 Helsinki, Finland

External Registration

Open Registration Page

Can Agile methods and traditional Project Management co-exist?

Project Management Associations and the agile community have endured something of a frosty relationship over the years. Whether intentional or not, they both seem to challenge weaknesses, or at least perceived weaknesses, in the other. One strongly affirms the position of the Project Manager whilst the other casts doubt on this position. One is perceived by some as being checklist-driven and outdated while the other is perceived by some as being chaotic and a fad.

Can the two co-exist harmoniously? Is there even a real conflict in the first place? How will agile thinking influence the future of project management and vice versa?

In this workshop, Rob will share insights from his journey as a ‘Traditional’ Project Manager working in an environment where agile methods are highly valued. He has grappled with the above questions (and still does!) while managing a wide variety of development projects over the last 10 years.

Whether you’re a seasoned Project Manager or starting out in your journey, there will be something for everyone. Via experience sharing and small group exercises, you will be challenged to stretch the borders of your own horizon. Besides this, the event will be a great opportunity for you to meet and get to know others in the project management community.

More about Rob:

If you're looking to have more than five people from your company attending, drop us a line at - we'd be happy to run a workshop just for your company at your offices.

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