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Recursion, Memoization and Pizza!

September 28, 17:00

Turku, Finland
Linnankatu 16, Turku

Event is in the past

Turku.py meetups are rolling on! In our next meetup we'll be looking into recursion and memoization and what problems they can solve while working on a coding challenge together. 🍎🚀

You can participate either virtually by hopping on the meet call (https://meet.google.com/nmy-vqgu-yxm), or come to Valohais office in Turku. Please only come to the office if you are in good health and remember that by getting vaccinated and keeping a good hygiene we can protect ourselves and others. 💓 Pizza and drinks will be available at the office! Especially if you are planning on joining us live, do register beforehand so we know how many are coming.

Bring your own computer and yourself! Hope to see you either live at the office or virtually in the meet!

turku.py turku.py

Created by

Magda Stenius Magda Stenius

Propose talk to turku.py