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(SAVE THE DATE) Serverless Finland Meetup with AWS @SC5

May 10, 17:00

Helsinki, Finland
SC5 Online, Urho Kekkosen katu 7B, Helsinki

External Registration

Open Registration Page

Wednesday May 10th, 17:00-21:00. SC5 Office, Urho Kekkosen katu 7B
AGENDA: (to be clarified soon)
- Welcome words by host (SC5)
- Serverless Finland Meetup update
- Adrian Hornsby / AWS (topic TBD)
- Customer case(s) (TBD)
- Networking
Snacks and refreshments available. Suggestions for customer cases or other topics are welcome.
NOTE: Please cancel your RSVP in case you cannot make it to help organizers plan for the correct amount of food / refreshments and free your spot to someone else who would like to join!

Helsinki Serverless Helsinki Serverless

Propose talk to Helsinki Serverless