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Self driving robocars Meet and Race

November 30, 10:00-15:00

Helsinki, Finland
Kelloportinkatu 1 D ยท Tampere

Event is in the past



Meet and Race meetup for everyone with or without robocars now with presentations.

Doors are open for everyone from the beginning, but it's perfectly fine to arrive just for the presentations and final race.

There is a possibility to borrow a robocar and try training it.

10.00 - 12.00 Robocar setup and preparation for racing
12.00 Time trials, snacks and networking
13.00 Autonomous Driving: Overview of Key Ingredients
Inka Simola, Data Scientist at Futurice
13.30 Towards machines that learn by doing
Nataliya Strokina, Postdoctoral researcher at Tampere University
14.00 Final race
15.00 Meetup closes

This event is family friendly and alcohol free.

  • How to find us

Enter OP hospital door at the courtyard side of the building and proceed to 5th floor.

Markku.Ai Self Driving Racers Markku.Ai Self Driving Racers

Created by

Jonathan Jonathan

Propose talk to Markku.Ai Self Driving Racers