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Serverless Meetup on Google Cloud @ Qvik

June 20, 17:00

Helsinki, Finland
Qvik, Urho Kekkosen Katu 5C, Helsinki

External Registration

Open Registration Page

Grab some extra inspiration for your midsummer celebrations from our presenters on the Google Cloud serverless technologies!
This meetup wraps our vendor meetup series just before the summer break, leaving you to be the judge on how well Google stacks up to the previously covered MS and AWS :)
17:00 -- Doors open at Qvik - food & drinks available to smoothen the journey.
17:45 -- Some opening words from Serverless Finland - Mikael Puittinen / Serverless Finland founder & CTO @ SC5
18:00 -- Google Functions - Jerry Jalava / Google Developer Expert & Senior Systems Architect @ Qvik
19:00 -- Beer break
19:15 -- Serverless since 2008 with Google App Engine - Antti Vähäkotamäki / Serverless Finland organizer & CTO @ Meetin.gs
20:00 -- Bring Your Own Presentation! Presentations dealing with Google Cloud take priority, but if you have anything cool to share, just drop the organizers a line!

Helsinki Serverless Helsinki Serverless

Propose talk to Helsinki Serverless