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Startup Customer Validation Workshop

October 6, 13:00

Helsinki, Finland
Ensi linja 1, 00530, Helsinki

External Registration

Open Registration Page

If you a startup and are at the validation phase, you are welcome to join this workshop Customer Validation Workshop - From hallucinations to pinpointing who your customers really are. The workshop is facilitated by one of the best Startup Evangelist in town Toni Perämäki (https://fi.linkedin.com/in/toniperamaki). The workshop will cover the following topic:

  • Why’d you be interested in customer development? - How do you define who your customer through user personas?
  • What are the different ways in different stages you can validate that you are building something meaningful and not just having a hallucination?
  • How to do a customer validation interview?

7 teams will be accepted, please provide the following information to qiongfang.zheng (at) hel.fi if you would like to take part in the workshop.

  • name of your startup/company
  • your contact info
  • your business in a few lines

The keynote presentation is open for everyone but workshop is only for startup. Please note that starting a new business does not mean that you are a startup!

register from: http://open.newcohelsinki.fi/events/133272/time/1742 FB event: https://www.facebook.com/events/1281735758543995/

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