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Techcode & StartNorth China Breakfast

June 13, 09:00-11:30

Helsinki, Finland
TechCode (Finland) SME services Oy, Porkkalankatu 20A, 5th Floor, 00180 Helsinki, Finland

External Registration

Open Registration Page

Join us for breakfast and learn more about one of the biggest and fastest growing markets in the world, which offers huge opportunities for European startups. Hear experiences about doing business in fast changing China and learn more about support that is available for companies that are interested in China.


9:00 Doors open9:15 Welcome to the Breakfast! 9:20 Techcode & China EyeOpener Program - Michael Haralson, Techcode Finland9:40 Business opportunities in continuously changing China - Jenna Hytti, Greenstream10:30 Networking

About Techcode

We support you on your way to China! Techcode Finland is building community for ambitious technology companies that are looking east, a “Chinatown” of Helsinki. We provide a supportive and open environment for innovative tech companies and service providers that are doing or exploring possibilities to do business in China. In fall 2017 Techcode kicks off China EyeOpener program for startups who are interested in China. www.techcode.com

About StartNorth

We invite you to experience an unforgettable summer! Start North is a three-month educational summer camp providing you with skills to create meaningful innovations and global impact. The camp consists of a great variety of summer programs and social events in the Helsinki area. With the Start North online platform, you will easily find your favorite programs and activities that match your needs best. www.startnorth.com

About GreenStream

Nordic company focused on providing carbon asset management, comprehensive services in the climate and renewable energy markets and delivering energy efficienct projects in China. www.greenstream.net

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