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Toughbyte after-work at LocalBitcoins

August 11, 17:00-19:00

Helsinki, Finland
Sauna2 Ruoholahti, Porkkalankatu 20, 00180 Helsinki

Event is in the past

The fourth Toughbyte talk is kindly hosted by LocalBitcoins, the coolest Bitcoin startup in town, who by the way are looking for good people to join their team.

Our guest speaker, Toby White, is coming all the way from the UK. Toby is CTO of Timetric, a business information company providing industry data and analysis to help clients understand and take advantage of market trends. He'll be talking about the challenges of product development in building B2B web apps.

Toby's interested in making new connections - if you or your company are interested, please come along to the talk to catch up with him, or contact him directly via LinkedIn.

For instructions on how to find the venue, check out the Sauna2 site.

Tough Talks Tough Talks

Created by

Oleg Podsechin Oleg Podsechin


LocalBitcoins LocalBitcoins


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