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Turku <3 Frontend: December meetup with Gofore

December 14, 18:00-20:00

Turku, Finland
Kauppiaskatu 9a A, 8.krs, Turku

Event is in the past

Welcome to our December meetup with Gofore!

18.00 Doors open
18.10 Hello from Gofore
18.15 Ossi Hanhinen: "Make the most of your UI testing"
18.45 Break & networking
19.00 Joona Hoikkala: "How to (not) to handle security issues - we are all in this together"
20.00 Event finishes

After the event, some participants often head out for drinks in a pub nearby.


Ossi Hanhinen: "Make the most of your UI testing"

Automated user interface testing has many benefits, but it can also be a nuisance. In this talk I discuss the different ways of testing UI from the perspective of 1) how can you choose the right tool for the job, and 2) how can you decide if a given test is worth writing or not. I will introduce a decision model that you can use or adapt to make the most of your testing.

Joona Hoikkala: "How to (not) to handle security issues - we are all in this together"

Turku <3 Frontend Turku <3 Frontend

Created by

Juha-Matti Santala Juha-Matti Santala

Propose talk to Turku <3 Frontend