Turku, Finland
Hämeenkatu 9, Turku
Welcome to our February meetup.
Due to challenges in finding sponsors this spring, this month's event is organised at Konttori, Hämeenkatu 9 and does not have food/drinks provided.
18.00 Doors open
18.10 Welcome
18.20 Teemu Suoranta - Leveraging CSS variables beyond --color-blue
18.50 Break
19.10 Mikhail Barash - Implementing TC39 proposal Map.prototype.upsert
for SpiderMonkey and V8
19.40 Socializing
20.30 Post-meetup discussions in Portti
Teemu Suoranta - Leveraging CSS variables beyond --color-blue
Many developers are familiar with CSS variables but use them in very limited way. CSS variables are not just replacement of the variable system found in SCSS but a whole new approach. I will show you how to get most out of CSS variables for real world projects.
Mikhail Barash - Implementing TC39 proposal Map.prototype.upsert
for SpiderMonkey and V8
JavaScript is an actively evolving language, and its design is overseen by the Technical Committee TC39 of Ecma International. I'll explain briefly how TC39 works and give a concrete outline of the steps needed to implement a new language feature. The talk is based on our own experience [ https://bldl.github.io/upsert-tutorial/ ] in implementing the Map.prototype.upsert
proposal for the Firefox SpiderMonkey and Google V8 engines. I will also explain how to read the ECMA-262 specification, which is a skill necessary for any JavaScript developer who really wants to understand how a certain language feature is supposed to work.
The talk is suitable for everyone interested in JavaScript, and especially for those who want to know how to suggest a new language feature and participate in implementing it.
Mikhail is a delegate at Ecma International TC39, the standardizing body behind JavaScript. He is a co-chair of the TC39-TG5 Task Group on Experiments in Programming Language Standardization, and a member of Ecma International's Executive Committee. He works at the University of Bergen (Norway), where he leads the language tooling team of Bergen Language Design Laboratory.