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Turku <3 Frontend: February meetup with Vincit

February 27, 18:00-20:00

Turku, Finland
Helsinginkatu 15 20500 Turku

Event is in the past

The second meetup of the year 2019 will be hosted by Vincit.


18.00 Doors open

18.10 Introduction by Vincit

18.15 Daniel Clarke - Comfortably typing for programmers

18.45 Networking
19.00 Anssi Kinnunen - Introduction to WebGL

19.30 Networking

20.00 Afterbeers

Turku <3 Frontend Turku <3 Frontend

Created by

Teemu Mäntyharju Teemu Mäntyharju

Propose talk to Turku <3 Frontend