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Turku <3 Frontend: October meetup with MagiCAD

October 26, 18:00-20:00

Turku, Finland
Aurakatu 8, 20100 Turku, Finland

Event is in the past

Welcome to our October meetup with MagiCAD!

You can find MagiCAD's office in KOP Kolmio, 7th floor.

18.00 Doors open
18.10 Hello from MagiCAD
18.15 Jere Laine: European Cookie Legislation and You
18.45 Break & networking
19.00 Niko Korvenlaita: Adapting to sensible constraints: Building a startup with Remix & Supabase
20.00 Event finishes

After the event, some participants often head out for drinks in a pub nearby.


Jere Laine: European Cookie Legislation and You

Learn the history, future and current state of European cookie legislation!

Cookies and related technologies are something almost all frontend developers have to deal with. However, there are legal limitations to how cookies can be used and the legal definition of a cookie is significantly broader than the technical one. Join us and learn what cookies are, when a consent is required, how to obtain a valid consent and make your website fully cookie law compliant!

Niko Korvenlaita: Adapting to sensible constraints: Building a startup with Remix & Supabase

We decide to build reconfigured using as much ready made components as possible such as remix.run and Supabase hoping they would help as build and ship faster. 4 months in, time to reflect what we’ve learned. Biggest learning has been adapting to the ways those tools work and avoiding to code against them

Turku <3 Frontend Turku <3 Frontend

Created by

Juha-Matti Santala Juha-Matti Santala

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