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Using Lean for successful super early stage investing

November 27, 16:00-18:00

Helsinki, Finland
Lexia Helsinki, Lönnrotinkatu 11, 6th floor, 00120 Helsinki, Finland

External Registration

Open Registration Page

Early stage investment. You hear about it everywhere, but are you investing early enough?We at #digirockstars believe that, often, founders are investable much earlier than current trends suggest, provided they are given the right tools to focus on early traction and nothing else.

Join us for 2 hours and let us explain our methodology and share our results so far. We'll show you why it's time to invest earlier and in a greater amount of companies than you are used to.

Schedule16:00-16:15 Registration & Networking16:15-17:15 Benefits of Lean in early stage investing. By #digirockstars and industry experts.17:15-18:00 Q&A and Networking

This event is by invitation only, and reserved to LP's, Investors and CVC's.


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