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Virtual Nordic GTD meetup /w David Allen!

October 24, 19:00

Helsinki, Finland
This location is shown only to members, Kaarnatie 4, Helsinki

External Registration

Open Registration Page

The next Helsinki GTD meetup will be something different:

The physical meetup will take place at AEL's, from where we will virtually connect with other Nordic GTD Meetup groups - and David Allen himself!
• 19:00-19:15 - Welcome to AEL 
• 19:30-20:30 - Virtual Meeting with David Allen and other Nordic GTD groups 
Is there anything you always wanted to ask from David - what are the tools he's using himself, what context's does he currently use, does his every next action start with a verb, how strict is David's morning routine...? As we will probably have quite a few questions from across the Nordics, please let me know yours in advance, so we can make sure that as many as possible will get answered in the time we have available.
Tiina will be hosting the meetup at AEL's (from center, take f.e. 37 from Kamppi to Kaarnatie, Malminkartano).
Any questions? Contact me or leave a comment here.
Br, Jukka
P.S. Keep an eye on #nvGTDmeetup on social media to see news across the Nordics about this event and feel free to use it, if you share the event online

Helsinki GTD Meetup Helsinki GTD Meetup

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