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VR meet-up Noitom @ TechCode Finland

March 17, 16:00-18:00

Helsinki, Finland
TechCode Finland Incubator, Porkkalankatu 20A, 5th Floor, 00180 Helsinki, Finland

External Registration

Open Registration Page

TechCode Finland welcomes VR start-ups in Helsinki to meet Noitom!

Come meet Noitom, share your ideas on VR and discover the opportunities for VR in the Asian market. All startups are warmly welcome to bring your demos! If you do, please inform Huageng Chi (Huageng.Chi@techcode.com) beforehand.

Beijing based Noitom was founded in 2011, by Dr. Haoyang Liu and Dr. Tristan Dai. The team is comprised of visionary engineers and scientists united by one goal - to redefine the motion capture paradigm. Noitom focuses its research and development on mapping the human body, its movement and interaction with the environment.Now, you can have both hands in the game! The Noitom Hi5 VR Glove delivers a lightning fast response, pinpoint accuracy and plug-and-play convenience for transporting your hands into virtual reality experiences. You will find the gloves in the meet-up.Roch is the Vice President of International Marketing and Business Development, and Alex is the Director of International Marketing and Business Development. Noitom has leading role in the Chinese VR scene, Roch and Alex are happy to meet VR start-ups in Helsinki.


16:00 Welcome & TechCode operations in Finland

16:10 Noitom presentation/show

16:40 Participant presentations and free networking (Confirmed: FIVR, Physilect Group, Digital Illusion Equipment, Moprim, VividWorks, Arilyn)

18:00 door close

In case of any questions, contact Project Manager Huageng.Chi@techcode.com. After 16:30 the building doors close, so if you come late, call Huageng Chi 050 404 9298 to come let you in.

Snacks & drinks sponsored by TechCode Finland


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