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Workshop - Angular fundamentals 2

March 23, 17:00

Helsinki, Finland
Vilkas Group Oy, Finlaysoninkuja 19, 33210 Tampere, Tampere

External Registration

Open Registration Page

General info
Angular Finland is now organizing its first workshops. Topic of this workshop is second part of Angular fundamentals (see first part here). Mainly: routing and form handling. Feel free to join us in case you missed the first workshop, if you have basic understanding of Angular components. This workshop will be hands-on, so please bring your laptop with you! Please also see the prerequisites below
There will be food and beverages served.
The meetup is sponsored and hosted by Vilkas (http://www.vilkas.fi) Trainers: Roope Hakulinen (Gofore), Rudolf Poels (Netum).
17:00 Doors open 
17:30 Opening words, Roope Hakulinen, Gofore Oy 
17:35 Welcoming notes, Vilkas
17:45 Workshop starts 
18:30 Food 
19:00 Workshop continues 
21:00 Workshop ends

Basic knowledge of some common programming language (JavaScript preferably) and web development required. Please bring your own computer with installation of Node.js v6.9.x or newer (v7 okay) in it. Easy to check in command line:
node -v
Once you have the Node installed, please run the following in your working directory (Documents etc.) to save some time from the start of workshop:
npm install -g @angular/cli@1.0.0-beta.31
ng new angular-workshop
cd angular-workshop
ng serve
You should now have server answering in address localhost:4200 (check in browser). If so, you are good to go. 
Please note, that 
- npm install may require sudo rights on Linux and Mac OS, 
- ng new might take a while (~5min) to complete.
If you are facing problems, please mention upon arrival so we can help you solve those to get started!

AngularJS Helsinki AngularJS Helsinki

Propose talk to AngularJS Helsinki