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Workshop - Angular state management

April 6, 17:00

Helsinki, Finland
Vincit Oy, Visiokatu 1, 33720 Tampere, Tampere

External Registration

Open Registration Page

Please note that this workshop will be in Tampere!
Topic of this workshop is to explore different state management options for Angular applications. We will mainly focus on RxJS and adapting the @ngrx/store. This workshop will be hands-on, so please bring your laptop with you!
There will be food and beverages served.
The meetup is sponsored and hosted by Vincit (https://www.vincit.fi/) Trainers: Roope Hakulinen (Gofore), Rudolf Poels (Netum).
17:00 Doors open 
17:30 Opening words, Roope Hakulinen, Gofore
17:35 Welcoming notes, Vincit 
17:45 Workshop starts 
18:40 Food 
19:00 Workshop continues 
21:00 Workshop ends

Will be posted closer to the workshop.

AngularJS Helsinki AngularJS Helsinki

Propose talk to AngularJS Helsinki