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Aurajoki Overflow: Being Productive - Sponsored by Root Signals

April 17, 18:00-21:00

Turku, Finland
Tykistökatu 4, SparkUp Turku

Event is in the past

Welcome to the Aurajoki Overflow April meetup!

Our third meetup for the spring season will be hosted by Root Signals at SparkUp and is happening on Wednesday, 17th of April.

The April meetup is sponsored and made possible by Root Signals.

In this month's meetup we will be discussing Productivity from a couple different perspectives. Petro will be joining us to talk about the role of a product engineer and Juhis will share on why developers should write blog posts.


18:00 Doors Open / Welcome! Beverages and snacks!
18:10 Introduction to the meetup and a word from our sponsor Root Signals.
18:15 Petro Silenius: Why you want to be a product engineer
19:00 Break with refreshments, snacks and food
19:15 Juha-Matti Santala: Write it down, share it with everyone
20:00 Hanging out, Lightning Talks, Relaxing
21:00 -> Afterbeers @ Olutpuoti 5.5

Petro Silenius: Why you want to be a product engineer

Companies are built on products and products are built by engineers. However, those engineers are often excluded from product data, decisions and ownership.

This talk will explain the wave of a new role: a product engineer. One that combines the engineering with product work like user research, prototyping, and priorisation. We'll cover this through practical examples and show how making things a bit differently can produce vastly different outcomes.

Juha-Matti Santala: Write it down, share it with everyone

or "Why developers should write blog posts"
Writing down what you learn and think is a powerful tool and sharing them with others can have a big impact in your life. I've been blogging about technology on and off since 2013 and more consistently since 2018.

In this talk I share what I've learned by blogging as a developer and hope to inspire you to pick up your proverbial pen and start writing.

Aurajoki Overflow Aurajoki Overflow

Created by

Matias Huhta Matias Huhta

Propose talk to Aurajoki Overflow