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Aurajoki Overflow: Game Development - Sponsored by Reaktor

January 24, 18:00-21:00

Turku, Finland
Läntinen Rantakatu 15, 20100 Turku

Event is in the past

Welcome to the Aurajoki Overflow January meetup!

Our first meetup for the spring season will be hosted by Reaktor and is happening on Wednesday, 24th of January.

The Janury meetup is sponsored and made possible by Reaktor.

Registration opens on this page on Monday 8th of January.

In this month's meetup we will be discussing Game development design patterns, and the usage of Artificial Intelligence to enable player creativity.


18:00 Doors Open / Welcome! Beverages and snacks!
18:10 Introduction to the meetup and a word from our sponsor Reaktor.
18:15 Markus Hjort: Real-Time Game Behavior Modification with AI
19:00 Break with refreshments, snacks and food
19:15 Filipe Lopes: Display and Implementations of Important Game Design Patterns used in Unity
20:00 Hanging out, Lightning Talks, Relaxing
21:00 -> Afterbeers @ Olutpuoti 5.5

Markus Hjort: Real-Time Game Behavior Modification with AI:

Bitmagic is a platform that empowers you to manifest your imagination into a game world, making game creation accessible to everyone. In this talk, I will explore how Bitmagic leverages generative AI to dynamically modify game behavior in real-time. I will discuss the generation of Lua scripts for Unity-based games and their integration into Unity objects during runtime, leading to an enriched and customizable gaming experience.

Filipe Lopes: Display and Implementations of Important Game Design Patterns used in Unity:

In this talk, we'll explore and demonstrate the implementation of various game design patterns within the Unity framework. Throughout the session, we'll discuss their significance and showcase practical solutions by utilizing code in a real-life project.

Aurajoki Overflow Aurajoki Overflow

Created by

Matias Huhta Matias Huhta

Propose talk to Aurajoki Overflow