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Aurajoki Overflow: New year, New Code- Sponsored by ATR Soft

January 22, 18:00-21:00

Turku, Finland
Joukahaisenkatu 1, Turku. Entrance through Tykistökatu (Eurocity B, 5th floor)

Event is in the past

Welcome to the Aurajoki Overflow January meetup!

It's our first Aurajoki Overflow for the year 2025 and we are happy to be hosted by ATR Soft!

Our first meetup of the spring season will be happening on Wednesday, 22nd of January.

The January meetup is sponsored and made possible by ATR Soft.

The Entrance to the meetup is through Tykistökatu, Eurocity Entrance B, 5th floor.

In this month's meetup we will be shown what's inside a Lauri's data engineer toolbox and endulge ourselves in a mystery talk by the local legend Aarni.


18:00 Welcome! Beverages and snacks!
18:10 Introduction to the meetup and a word from our sponsor ATR Soft.
18:15 Lauri Huhta: A look inside a Data Engineer's toolbox
19:00 Break with refreshments, snacks and food
19:15 Aarni Koskela: Mystery Talk
20:00 Hanging out, Lightning Talks, Relaxing
21:00 -> Afterbeers @ Olutpuoti 5.5

Aurajoki Overflow Aurajoki Overflow

Created by

Matias Huhta Matias Huhta

Propose talk to Aurajoki Overflow