Turku, Finland
Yliopistonkatu 31, 20100, Turku
Welcome to the Aurajoki Overflow November meetup!
Our last meetup for the fall season will be hosted by Qalmari and is happening on Wednesday, 22nd of November.
The November meetup is sponsored and made possible by Qalmari.
Registration opens on this page on Wednesday 1st of November.
In this month's meetup we will be discussing Programming languages and taking a look at some maybe less known languages and ways of approaching software development.
18:00 Doors Open / Welcome! Beverages and snacks!
18:10 Introduction to the meetup and a word from our sponsor Qalmari.
18:15 Mikko Harju: Cluckin' Colors and Comedic Code: AI-Powered Chicken Scheme Fun
19:00 Break with refreshments, snacks and food
19:15 Konsta Purtsi: PureScript: a better TypeScript
20:00 Hanging out, Lightning Talks, Relaxing
21:00 -> Afterbeers @ Olutpuoti 5.5